Sunday, January 16, 2011

Someone special

This whole day I've been thinking of my lovely Ian Atherton. Last night I was being a bit harsh to him and being Mrs. Grumpy Gills just because of a few things that were bothering me and that I couldn't stop thinking about. Something that I wish I had never found out about. I had been thinking all day why in the world something that happened awhile ago and that was just said yesterday... could bring me down so much?? But I have realized that being with someone you love is much more. Being in love isn't just holding hands, being with them all the time, having fun together, cuddling and what not. But it's also understanding their past and believing in their future. I love my babe. There's not a chance that i'll ever leave him. Our relationship together is something very unique to me. It's not fragile. It's not full of doubt. It's like a brick wall that can never be broken. Except better. I love Ian so much! He's someone very special in my life(:

Friday, January 14, 2011


PROS: I'm hyper. My brother came for Christmas break. My birthday is on the 21st. I'm so excited! I've recently fell in love with writing essays for school. Creepy, huh? ;) I'm going snowboarding at Sundance tomorrow. My mommy is feeling better. There's still snow outside. I'm so in love with my boyfriend Ian. My hair is feelin sexy. I'm not sick anymore with mono. We're finally taking the Christmas tree down. Listening to Rihanna's music makes me sooo happy! CONS: My A.D.D. is getting getting out of hand again and I might have to go back to medication for it. ughhh I miss my boyfriend and he's still grounded and I can't go snowboarding with him tomorrow! I go to a different school now. My voice is a little rusty cause I haven't had vocal lessons for awhile now. I NEED to go tanning. I need to get more credits in school. blah blah blah I'm gonna stop talking about school now. Okay I've been thinking about the things I really wanna work hard on. I wanna work hard on doing harder snowboarding jumps and kick butt at it. I wanna learn how to rap even though I'm a girl and what not... and I don't have the masculine kind of voice but who gives a crap? Nicki Minaj can do it, so can I. Really.. I think it would be cool and fun. I wanna get a job since I'm turning 16 soon and save up money for... um.. a car, college.... whatever! And I wanna start singing and performing again in front of so many people and just share my music with others. And I wanna grow a little bit taller.
P.S. Here's a picture I took in Arizona of my cousin. Turned out great! I love photography.